Matias Martinez is a Software Engineer and Researcher based in Barcelona, Spain.

Hello! I am Matias Martinez, a software engineer and PhD in Computer science. My main expertise relies on the design, development and testing of high quality software systems, including Intelligent systems (based on AI).

Key Expertises and technological interests:

  • Software Development & Testing

    – I have built software systems for more than 20 years. I have focused on assuring software quality across the lifecycle. Expert on software Testing and DevOps.

– I am a teacher in a Master course on MLOps at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). There, I teach how to build, test and deploy AI-based systems, and configure the CI/CD using Docker, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, among other tools.

– Agile methodology: Scrum Master certification

  • AI and Machine Learning:

    – Experience with: Transformers, Experimentation with large language models, Deep learning, Learning to ranking, Statistical models for code analysis, Hyperparameter optimisation, Code translation, and more.

    – Contribution done to open-source large-language models (LLMs), e.g. to CodeLlama by proposing new features (see PR-143) and bug-fixings (see PR-168).

    – Strong research record on AI-based Software Engineering and Software Testing. Check all my scientific publication in Google Scolar

  • Building intelligent (AI-based) system

    – I participated in the hackathon HACKBCN AI edition (Barcelona, 2024) and my project won the award “Best developer solution” HackBCN

    – Strong technical background for building AI based system using Python, HuggingFaces libraries, PyTorch, vLLM, Pandas, among many other libraries.


Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

January 2023-Present

Researcher in AI-based Software Engineering

KTH, Sweden

Jan 2021- Dic. 2022

Researcher in AI-based Software Engineering

University of Polytechnique Hauts-de-France and CNRS, France

Sept. 2016 - 2022

Associate professor

Inria & Univ. of Lille, France

Oct. 2011 - Oct. 2014

PhD student

Baufest, Argentina.

March 2009 - Sept. 2011

Software Engineer, Java & Web developer, architecture consultant

EDSA, Argentina

Sept. 2006 - Dec. 2008

Java developer


PhD in Computer Science

Université de Lille (France)

Software and System Engineering (BA & Master)

Universidad del Centro de la Prov Buenos Aires -UNICEN-(Argentina)


HACKBCN AI edition (Barcelona)


Best developer solution

Ranking of Most Impactful Early-stage Software Engineering Researchers


Second place (worldwide)

Ranking of Most Active Early-stage Software Engineering Researchers in Top-Quality journals


Nineteenth place (worldwide)

Tools & technologies

  • RAG (LlamaIndex, LangChain)

  • ML tools (PyTorch, Pandas, HuggingFace libraries)

  • CI/CD (Github Actions, Jenkins, Travis)

  • Deployment (Docker)

  • Services (Spring Boot -Java-, FastAPI, Django -Python-)

  • LLM inference (vLLM, HuggingFace accelerate)

  • Energy and Resource measurement of AI system (Nvidia-smi, IntelRAPL)


  • Agile methodology
  • Scrum Master certification
  • Java & Python programming
  • Software Architecture
  • Software testing
  • Continuos integration & deployment
  • Databases (Relational, Non-relational, Vector)
  • Green AI and Software sustainability

Research topics:

  • Automated program repair: – Neural Network based automated program repair – Overfitting analysis
  • AI for software engineering:
  • Software Engineering for AI
  • Green/Sustainable Computing – Energy consumption during training and inference of AI
  • Software evolution:
    – Structural Differencing of code – Evolution patters and trends – Software migration (e.g., Java to Kotlin)
  • Software Security: – Open-source supply chain attacks
